Professional Development Academy

Academia de desarrollo profesional 전문 개발 아카데미

Liberation Through Literacy: Black & Brown Equity in Early Learning (Accreditation CEU Approved)

  • Registration Closed
All training offers a certificate. Those trainings that offer CEUs will be notated in the training Title.
Week 1: Literacy as Liberation
Focus: Introduction to Liberation Pedagogy and its role in promoting literacy equity.
  • Explore the historical context of literacy as a tool for liberation in Black and Brown communities.
  • Analyze how systemic inequities shape early literacy outcomes.
  • Discuss the foundational principles of liberation pedagogy.
Week 2: Building Resilience through Literacy
Focus: Understanding resilience theory and its impact on Black and Brown learners.
  • Examine resilience factors that influence literacy development.
  • Explore the interplay between cultural identity, self-esteem, and academic success.
  • Review case studies of resilience in early childhood education.
Week 3: Integrating Marva Collins' and Myrtle Taylor’s Methods
Focus: Practical application of culturally affirming literacy methods.
  • Study the Marva Collins Approach and the "Language of Learning" by Myrtle Taylor.
  • Learn methods and strategies on  how to implement high expectations, individualized instruction, and culturally relevant pedagogy.
  • Develop classroom activities inspired by their methods.
Week 4: Advocacy and Systemic Change
Focus: Creating systemic reform plans to support literacy equity.
  • Discuss the systemic barriers that perpetuate the achievement gap.
  • Learn how to build coalitions with families, communities, and policymakers.
  • Develop actionable advocacy plans for educational equity.