Professional Development Academy

Academia de desarrollo profesional 전문 개발 아카데미

Preparación Clínica 3 de 5 Interpretación de los gastos de automóvil y comida

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  1. ¿Qué método debo usar para los gastos del automóvil?
  2. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el método de kilometraje estándar y el método de gasto actual?
  3. ¿Qué método debo usar para los gastos de comida?
  4. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el método estándar y el método real para las comidas?

Violetta Archuleta

NAFCC Membership and Community Engagement Specialist


NAFCC’s Membership and Community Engagement Specialist has a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis in accounting. 

She has earned her Thrive Pathway Child Care Business Tax Advisor Certification through CIVITAS. In this role, she is a child care business tax advisor; she can coach on practices and focus on providing tax education to empower child care business owners to make informed decisions and work effectively with their tax preparers. 


Live Webinar
02/26/2025 at 8:00 PM (EST)  |  30 minutes
02/26/2025 at 8:00 PM (EST)  |  30 minutes
6 Questions
6 Questions Please tell us what you thought of the training!
Live Viewing: 0.30 HOURS credits and certificate available
Live Viewing: 0.30 HOURS credits and certificate available